As a visitor to my website, you have the right to understand its privacy practices prior to providing me with any of your information.
Personally I don't care about using cookies or collecting users IP addresses, so when you visit this web site nothing is stored on its server, but this website contains links or embeddings to other websites that instead use their own cookies, as videos from my Youtube channel, the Soundcloud embedded player, Bandcamp "follow me" button and Mailchimp newsletter subscription form.
The informations that I will collect are the ones you will provide for subscription to "Andrea Priora Music Newsletter", through the dedicated form provided by MailChimp automation platform service, that I, Andrea Priora, use to collect and handle the email addresses of the subscribers of the above-mentioned mailing list.
Please, check their Privacy Policy and Terms at the bottom of the form before submitting, they could collect also your IP address and location at the moment of subscription.
Personal datas I'm interested to collect in the subscription form are email address, name and surname, country. Sensitive datas will not be collected.
I will NEVER share, sell or rent to ANYONE those informations you supply, but I will keep them confidential and use them just to know what the names of my fans are, where they come from, which is their favourite music genre in general and which ones of my music, period.
I really hate when companies do such thing as selling my own infos to others and so I will treat you exactly as I would like to be treated myself by every company.
I will use these datas of yours to understand better the world diffusion of my fans and their tastes regarding my and/or general music to eventually improve my music production.
There is a link in each newsletter email to enable you to remove your email address at anytime if you don't wish anymore to receive the newsletter emails, that indeed are not frequent at all.
All personal datas are stored securely and treated in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) (GDPR).
For how long I will keep and use these informations of yours? Well, possibly till the end of my music career! And being not young anymore I guess that 2035 will be the limit. Much less if you will opt-out and unsubscribe from my music newsletter with the provided option. ;-)
External Links:
This website contains links to or embeddings from other websites, mainly music services, distributors or sellers of my songs, videos and albums. I'm not responsible for all other contents or privacy practices of these sites.
If you have any questions about this privacy statement or the practices of this site, please contact me to let me know.